Kambaii Education Eco-system

Embrace lifelong learning with our e-learning platform. Discover endless possibilities for personal growth and professional development. Join us on a journey where education is not just preparation for life—it is life itself. Explore our diverse range of courses and unlock your full potential today.
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Kambaii Education

Kambaii Education is a platform where the teachers, students and guardians will be able to work and learn together. Institutions will be able to register on our platform and manage their teachers and students by using this platform. Our teachers will be able to create classes, submit course materials, manage their students and conduct online classes and exams from our platform. Our valuable guardians will be able to see the progress report of their child and if needed they’ll also be able to contact the course teachers. Students will be able to access the course materials at any time and will also be able to attend their classes online. Kambaii Education is now also offering various type of courses which will enable the society to learn and develop their skills. Register now to enroll on our exciting courses.

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Kambaii Eco Systems & More

Idea Competition

The competition is open for all students in schools from class 6-10 in Bangladesh. Under graduated students will be assigned as mentors in Divisional rounds and help participants in developing their prototype. Participants may participate as an individual or as a team. If anyone is participating as a team, please note the following requirements:

  • A team can have no more than 3 members.
  • Each team must have a Team Name
  • Parents information is must
  • School Teachers can help students in their idea submission.

Toolkit Competition

We believe in our children and we need to nurture our youngsters with proper information, tools, training and education so that they can flourish their creativity and a path to success as innovators and entrepreneurs. Our main objective at the ‘Center for Robotic Innovation & Development USA (CRID USA) is to promote robotics among the high school and college students. We believe that everyone is important, every problem of our daily lives gives us an opportunity of a great innovation, and that is why we are working to build bridges between innovators and entrepreneurs.

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Kambaii Health

Kambaii Health is an advanced AI-based telehealth and health monitoring platform powered by our smart EMR (Electronic Medical Record) system and Kambaii Health’s Mobile App that was developed by the Center for Robotics Innovation and Development-USA (CRID-USA). In Bangladesh, Kambaii Health is administered by CRID-DAM Robotics Labs, Ltd., a collaboration between CRID-USA and Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM). A special focus area of Kambaii Health is to provide better healthcare and to improve the quality of healthcare for the geriatric and the underprivileged population in rural settings and remote locations so that they lead a healthy and prosperous life. Telehealth services are especially beneficial during outbreaks, epidemics or pandemics using smart devices and App that allows 24x7 home monitoring of patient’s health conditions with real-time health data and alerts.

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Dhaka Ahsania Mission, House: 19, Road: 12,
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