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Kambaii : Ecosystem in Bangladesh

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Kambaii Education

Kambaii Education is a platform where the teachers, students and guardians will be able to work and learn together. Institutions will be able to register on our platform and manage their teachers and students by using this platform. Our teachers will be able to create classes, submit course materials, manage their students and conduct online classes and exams from our platform. Our valuable guardians will be able to see the progress report of their child and if needed they’ll also be able to contact the course teachers. Students will be able to access the course materials at any time and will also be able to attend their classes online.

Kambaii Education is now also offering various type of courses which will enable the society to learn and develop their skills. Register now to enroll on our exciting courses.

Kambaii Ecosystem

Kambaii Robotic Lab

CRID-DAM Robotic Labs is one of the first and largest world-class platforms for robotics in Bangladesh. It is a platform for the innovators to bring their ideas to reality and we help them connect with the right professionals to get assistance which includes legal, finance, training, access to makerspace/ workshops, product design, prototyping and all the way to bring it to market place.

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Kambaii Health

Kambaii Health is an advanced AI-based telehealth and health monitoring platform powered by our smart EMR (Electronic Medical Record) system and Kambaii Health’s Mobile App that was developed by the Center for Robotics Innovation and Development-USA (CRID-USA). In Bangladesh, Kambaii Health is administered by CRID-DAM Robotics Labs, Ltd., a collaboration between CRID-USA and Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM). A special focus area of Kambaii Health is to provide better healthcare and to improve the quality of healthcare for the geriatric and the underprivileged population in rural settings and remote locations so that they lead a healthy and prosperous life.

Telehealth services are especially beneficial during outbreaks, epidemics or pandemics using smart devices and App that allows 24x7 home monitoring of patient’s health conditions with real-time health data and alerts.

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Idea challenge

The Idea Challenge competition is open for all students in schools from class 6-10 in Bangladesh. Students will be assigned a mentor in the Divisional rounds to assist participants to develop their prototype. Participants may participate as an individual or as a team. For team participants, please note the following requirements: A team can have no more than three members

Each team must have a team name and their parents information. School Teachers will assist students with their idea submission.

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AUST Toolkit Design Competition - 2022

The 2022 Kambaii-AUST Toolkit Design Competition event was held on June 19 and led by CRID-USA (Center for Robotic Innovation and Development-USA) in collaboration with the ICT Division of Bangladesh, and in partnership with AUST (Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology).

This initiative is part of the Kambaii Innovation Ecosystem Project (KIEP), a collaborative project of the ICT Division of Bangladesh and CRID-USA. This competition was held at AUST and organized by the AUST Mechanical Society. More than 30 projects were submitted; the top 12 projects were selected for further review. The top 3 projects were awarded prize money.

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