Explore / Networking with Ecosystem:
There are numerous innovators, mentors, entrepreneurs, investors, and donors in our country.
But surprisingly, an innovator studying in a class in a remote area of the village never finds a donor. On the other hand, there are many donors who cannot figure out where to donate because they can’t find talented innovators.
Although there are many investors, they do not have the documents to invest in a project. Although there are many mentors, it is also not understandable which innovator to give mentorship to a project. Young talented entrepreneurs have no clue where to get funding to open a start-up company of their own.
So to solve all the problems, Kambaii has started the Kambaii Innovation Ecosystem. Where innovator, investor, donor, manufacturers, mentor are all in the same platform. So in one click, your dream will be fulfilled in your hands.
Register and become a part of the Innovation Ecosystem.
Explore / Connect with Innovator:
Do you have a lot of ideas in your mind? Do you want to turn these ideas into machines? & also you are looking for innovators to create your innovation. Then you can find hundreds of innovator like you in our platform & you can connect with them in this journey .
Register, take a step closer to find more innovator like you.
Explore / Connect with Mentor :
Are you an innovator & looking for proper guidance to turn your idea into innovation? Are you interested to get a mentor in product development? To get proper guidance and an excellent mentorship you can find mentor here and connect with them.
Register today & get find your mentor.
Explore / Connect with Investor:
Are you an innovator? Do you want to build your dream machine? Are you interested in product development but you don’t have enough fund & you need investment? So you can find investor in our platform and you can apply for funding.
Register today & connect with investor to seek funding.
Explore / Connect with Entrepreneur:
Are you looking for an entrepreneur? Do you want to connect with entrepreneur to build your dream machine?
Register today
Explore / Connect with Manufacturer:
Are you looking for a manufacturer? Are you interested in building your dream machine with the manufacturer?
Register today find manufacturer.
Explore / Connect with Donor :
Do you need donation to create your innovation? You can find donor from this platform
Register today.