Short Description:
It is build to shred multi purpose products
Idea Details:
Waste management is one of the biggest concerns of this era. As the amount of waste is increasing day by day it needs proper management. Plastic is one of the most dangerous things for our environment. So, the waste should be recycled, reused and removed. There is individual plastic shredder, paper shredder, metal shredder so we wanted to shred all things with a single machine. But the available machines and the process is really costly. In industries they pack the waste and give them to third parties for the proper management. The process of packaging and transporting to another party is really costly. That is why we are making a cost-effective Multipurpose Shredder Machine. We are making this project prototype for the management of waste in the domestic area, industries as well as it can be useful to the scarp collectors. Micro, small & medium enterprises can use this.